Join the team!

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions. Questions and Official Surveys' started by Z28/Ken, Jan 31, 2014.

By Z28/Ken on Jan 31, 2014 at 9:31 PM
  1. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin is looking for people who want to be a part of the moderator team to get the site back to it's heyday. We are in a catch-22 situation. There are enough daily visitors on the site (a few thousand) but they don't see posting so they don't post. If we can put together a team willing to help post, we can jump start the site! Once we get that ball rolling it'll take care of itself!

    The requirements:
    1. The ability to deal with people easily.
    2. Enthusiasm about F-body cars.
    3. A commitment to post on the site several times per week, even if it's just conversation unrelated to Camaros.

    If you're interested in being part of an energetic moderator team to produce the best Camaro/TransAm site please let me know. I'm about to install a full blown content management system as well, and moderators will be able to submit and edit articles in addition to normal forum functions, plus have their own F-body blog on the site.
    1. lyger1983
      Glad to be part of the team!!!
      WartHog likes this.
    2. Z28/Ken
      Very happy to have you on board! Now if I can get all the settings working for you.... :)
    3. KYWes
      Still looking for moderators?

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