Issue over the last weekish....

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions. Questions and Official Surveys' started by NastyZ, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. NastyZ

    Every time I open a thread... whether or not it has lots of pics. I scroll to the bottom and the reply box or the bottom forum links under tue reply box doesnt load with the rest of the page for some reason. If I refresh the page it does....a bit anoying

    Just wondering if there was some change.... or at least give a heads up about this issue

  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    No changes have been made to the forum that I know about. I know there have been some database restarts and server work going on behind the scenes, but nothing that would affect the reply box.

    Try clearing your cache and cookies and see if that helps things. If not, we will look into the issue.
  3. NastyZ

    Sounds good ..... will let ya know how it goes for me
  4. NastyZ

    So far so good.

    Will post if that changes. Somthing else i noticed at the same time..... the Google ads they jam in on this site (i am assuming because i am using their browser) were also very wonky the way they were loading on the page aswell

    Useing a tablet limited on browser choices.... but figured i should toss it in as a possible heads up... or to bring to lite something wrong on my end

    Edit..... now what i am noticing is a huge gap between the bottom of the posts..... to the bottom of the page....where the forum links are.... big white gap.... about a full page or so
  5. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    There should only be two, maybe 3 ads per page, depending on where you are on the site.

    Is there anyway you can take a screen shot of what you are seeing?

    @Z28/Ken might be something to look into.
  6. NastyZ

    Will look into the screenshot.... its wierd to do i know that lol like hold power button and volume or something lol

    Yes I see roughly 2 to 3 ads.... its just a new issue aswell..... they load all wonky. ... and that huge gap i mentioned.
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    If it is an ipad, you will hit the power and home button at the same time to take a screen shot. Android has different ways but it is usually power and volume down at the same time.
  8. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I think this is what he is talking about. I noticed it as well.

    Last post
    Screenshot_20200217-034904_Chrome.jpg #ad
    Screenshot_20200217-034921_Chrome.jpg #ad
    Screenshot_20200217-034927_Chrome.jpg #ad

    Screenshot_20200217-034904_Chrome.jpg #ad
  9. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    As you can see all the ads before you get to the reply box.
  10. NastyZ

    Yes its along them lines.... but for me the ads arwnt there..... just the void.... i guess were they would be.

    Any thoughts on this? Nothing can really be done about it I am assuming? I just wanted to bring it up..... was new to me....and figured i should bring it up in case it was an indicator of somthing more sinister
  11. Zspoiler

    A lot depends on what software you are running I dont see any ads when I log in .
  12. NastyZ

    I think it may be a browser thing.... useing google chrome. With a samsung android tablet
  13. Zspoiler

    I also use Google Chrome Using a Dell desktop computer with Windows 10 professional with an ad blocker.
  14. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Of course Glenn is getting ads about "how to adjust idle on 87 TPI" hahahahaha.

    But what has me concerned is the ad over an ad. I'm pretty sure that is not the way it is meant to be.

    Just a tip, the one with the down arrow you can collapse. I don't know if it will stay that way though. I never use mobile because my eyes are too bad so I never saw that part of it lol. Thank you all for bringing that to our attention.
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