I'm still alive, I promise.

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Tony, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I know that I have not been on here much the last couple months, but I'm still here. I was working all the time on another site, but that has now come to an end. So, I am here to try and help z28.com get more members on here. It's time to wake this place up like it should be. I have some ideas and once I get all the details worked out, I will run it all by Jason and see what he thinks.

    I any of you guys have any suggestions, let me know. I will see what I can do.
  2. GhostZ

    good to see ya back tony!!!
  3. JuanMaroZ28

    sup tony... whats shakin?
  4. Z/YA

    Sorry everyone, the party for this weekend is cancelled. He's back

  5. Z28Koda

    ha ha, you know whats shakin
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Probably the guy that came into the base with the loaded 9mm next to him in the seat of his truck hahaha. I thought he was going to pee a little bit when I stuck my .45 in his eye hahaha.

    It's gotta be like that? lmao. I'll bring the beer....

    He does? Well, he does now hahaha
  7. JuanMaroZ28

    Tony likes to dance? lol

    LOL... dayumn
  8. richard96

    Hey Tony, glad you are back in Z28 action.

    I think I would have shizzed myself if your 45 was in my face. Not gonna lie.
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