Had my first solo flight tonight!

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by the_husk, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. the_husk

    Yup, just as the title says, first solo flight. Had to do touch and goes and the final landing being a full stop so I could pick up my instructor. Winds were 330* at 17kt gusting to 25kt. So, it's safe to say it was a little "turbulent." :lol:

    I went into tonight with my instructor saying it was too windy. After I did several touch and goes with him just sitting over there with neither his hands on the controls or his feet on the rudders, he asked if I wanted to go ahead and get solo'ing out of the way. I said sure, so I landed and had to be hard on the brakes to get off the runway at taxiway Bravo. Mind you, that landing, you couldn't even feel the plane touchdown. :biggrin:

    Tower had me pull onto taxiway Alpha and turn around, as there was a Beechcraft Bonanza behind me that I had to let pass. I pulled onto Alpha and turned around and held short at 17-35 Bravo. Got my takeoff clearance and had a perfect take off, and entered the pattern on the downwind leg. Cleared touch and go. This first landing could have been better due to the whole pucker factor of the situation :lol: This repeats itself a couple times with the landings gradually getting better.

    On my last one, I request to make it a "full stop" so I can stop and pick up my instructor. Take off, and at 1700ft turn to enter the downwind leg. Once in the downwind leg, make the altitude 2300ft. Once in downwind bring power back to 2000rpms and pitch for 90kts.

    "Salina tower, K-state 18 solo is entering right downwind for Runway 35, requesting to make this one full stop."

    "K-state 18, cleared to land runway 35 #2 behind a 172."

    "Cleared to land #2 Runway 35 with traffic in sight, K-state 18 solo."

    Once abeam the 1000ft touchdown markers, you bring power back to 1500rpms, 10* of flaps and descend at 85kts. Once the angle of the runway and your wing reaches approximately 45*, turn base while making 20* of flaps and pitching for 75kts while still descending. Once it looks like you can tun Final, turn final and bring in full flaps(30*) and continue to come down on the glidescope. Add/reduce power as needed to maintain altitude while pitching for 65kts. As you near the runway, ease out power until you're in the ground effect and bring power to idle, while floating in the ground effect to bleed off airspeed, and flare so you land with the nosewheel up and hopefully it's a smooth one. :yikes:

  2. LS1Tuner_06

    Wow man that's really awesome! Didn't even know you could fly! Congrats!
  3. the_husk

    Psh when you're as epic as me, you can fly without wings and an engine :lol:

    But seriously, thanks man. Its awesome!
  4. Gatorhead

    Congrats! Sounds like alot of fun :)
  5. 94Z28'MachThis'

    I'm jealous... I'll trade you my bike for your license!!... I've always wanted to fly... God gifted me with a lazy eye but was corrected as a child... Still kept me out of flying in the military.. :( now I'm depressed and need a stiff drink :(
  6. richard96

    What kind of plane were you flying? Cessna?
    Thats really cool. I went flying yesterday as a passenger. I recognize alot of what you were saying and doing. I think next time I go, I will control the takeoff. :biggrin:

    How many hours do you have racked up?

    Once you go the first time, your hooked.
  7. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Very nice!!!!
  8. BdNflnc

    Nice Brady! Dang you... I've always wanted to fly, just never gotten around to it!!!
  9. guitarisawesome

    Awesome, i grew up doing plane simulators cause my dad/grandad both flew, and i would love to be able to do that. Congrats on your first solo!
  10. JuanMaroZ28

    pOAst pics or it didnt happen :D
  11. the_husk

    Absolutely dominated my Prog check today :biggrin:
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