I never been over here before.

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by Bail, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Bail

    Hello ladys how are you. This is my 1st visit ever to your world....lol. Just speaking have a nice day.
  2. SexyHawk

    I saw the title to this thread and I was like, "what is he talking about???" then I saw the forum it was in and nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Welcome to the Ladies Lounge, Michael, feel free to nose around a bit. I hope you have a lovely visit :chuckles:
  3. Bail

    Yo are so funny lil sis. And thanks for the invite.
  4. Randy L Staff Alumni

    If you want to post in the Ladies Lounge, you need to be wearing a skirt and have makeup on. We WILL need you to post a picture proving you ARE in fact "dressed up". Please post it promptly. :chuckles:
  5. Camaro Queen

    Careful Bail when nosing around in womens business when not invited. We may be talking about things you may consider TMI... LOL

    I do believe we have talked about many things you may consider ummm shall we say interesting.

    Welcome to the ladies lounge. AS stated you are required to wear a dress and make up. Pink would suit you well. NOw snap to the drag dress.
  6. Ethan

    So what are you wearing Randy :nana:

    dammit I just posted in here too :no: :chuckles:
  7. SexyHawk

  8. nighthawk15

    aw shiz, it's a full scale invasion :D
  9. Bail

    You guys are a bunch of FREAKS.....

  10. Camaro Queen

    Bail dont make me post up that beautiful pic of you in the pink. And you call us FREAKS hahaha
  11. The93Z

    You know what kind of guy he is, we probably will end up seeing a picture :confused:
  12. Randy L Staff Alumni

    Nora, I double-dog dare you!
  13. brianswimmer23

    then why are you posting here??j/k:nana:
  14. Camaro Queen



    And he calls us Freaks. :transform:
  15. SmokinWS-6

    Nice post Nora......I think he fits right in over here.....LOL
  16. Camaro Queen

    Those were taken in Indy. I though he looked cute too. LOL And his complexion is perfect for the color too.

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