I have a serious paint problem!!!!

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by blondy97, May 2, 2006.

  1. blondy97

    Here is the short version... (yeah, I know, not so short)
    Have a 30th Anniv. with the hugger orange decals. They started to peel.
    Had them removed and painted on, added a little pearl to the paint. Also, had the CAMARO on the back bumper painted hugger orange too. The car looks great from 5 feet away but, when you get up close it looks like cr*p! Spots of orange on the white, uneven lines, see attached photos. I took it back yesterday to get it fixed. The guy who did the paint job gave me a bunch of excuses like, it's because of the contrasting colors that you see everything and it's because of the pearl in the paint. I just told him I wanted it fixed. Here are only a few pictures of the problems. Oh yeah, the CAMARO on the back looks like a third grader did it!! I am now paying a pin stripe guy extra money to do it. Anyone out there that knows anything about painting cars?? I would apreciate your view on this issue. The guy made me feel like a dumb as*. Please review these pics and get back to me. Thanks!
  2. hot_wheels21

    He's full of crap theres no reason that the camaro on the back should look that crappy.... He's honestly just trying to play you off thinking your stupid because your a woman. That's bs... Honestly though you should have just got the inlays for the rear from brent franker would have been easier and cheaper... I would make him fix it.... he obviously didnt tape anything off very well when he did it.... And theres no way he can be blaming it on the pearl it wouldn't do that...

  3. VETTEpwrdZ28

    no offense but that looks like doo-doo!...

    i would talk to the owner of the shop and demand your money back or something, they did a VERY poor job...
  4. squirrelishere

    Yep, decals work just as good as paint with the lettering. For that paint job, my cousin needed lunch money. He has some permanent markers laying around that could've done better. That is way poor job. Good luck getting it fixed and let us see how it looks after.
  5. DRUID

    Hello Monika, I am a n00bie here but I know a thing or two about paint, so i may be able to help you.

    What we are looking at in the first few pics is bleed through, they tried to make the tape take a curve it couldn't handle and thus started to lift at the edges causing the orange to poke through, then they didn't properly overlap the masking tape in some areas which is why you have a little orange paint a 1/4" away from the outer stripe edge. All in all I have to say that they did a pretty 3 rate job and I would get it re-done. The only thing you have to worry about at this juncute is having to many layers of paint on your car, so they are going to really have to, or should cut into that surface to make sure they take a few layers off instead of just scuffing the top coat and working on top of that.

    The air brush artist should not have to do the rear panel or the stripes as any competent, and I stress competent body man should be able to make sure the taping is done correctly and straight. I would never have given you the car back in that condition as that is a rush job to the extreme. Good luck.

  6. blondy97

    Thanks for your comments so far. At least I don't feel like I am crazy for feeling the way I do. He made me feel like I was being a b*tch about it. VETTEpwrdZ28, unfortunately the guy I was talking about is the owner of the shop. DRUID, thanks for the info. I appreciate your input. It is back at the same shop getting fixed. Lets hope. I will let you know by the end of the week how it looks. hot_wheels21, I guess he did think I was stupid and BLIND. He has no idea, this car is my baby and it will be perfect! :) Monika
  7. itSSlowZ28

    thats horrible. that looks like they did it in a day, and used washable markers! definately make them do that over. any pictures of the complete car? when you get it back, i'd definately take something like that to the better business bureau
  8. shaun_t50

    And he tried to make you feel like a dumb ass!?....WOW!! thats hacked up right there,you should go off on this guy!! What did he charge you?? I'd get my money back or sue his ass or something...thats deffinatly not a "professional" job....I'd be lividly pissed off bad.
  9. Jpack

    That right there is horrible. I'm sorry you got screwed by them. I hope it all works out and you don't get it back even more damaged. As said it is all in the prep work and by the looks of it, a novice did the job. What you had to have done is very basic and would take basic skills to complete. If I were the owner, I wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes when the bill was handed to you. Good luck again and hope it all works out for the best.
  10. CipsZ28

    That's really beat Monika. I would complain and if nothing is resolved report them to the Better Business Bureau. You took it to the shop that had painted the Viper from the show, right? If it was them they should know how to deal with the paint seeing that they are the 'professionals.'

    If it makes you feel any better the new stripes I laid down on my hood are starting to peel in some places. :cussing:

    Why didn't Chevy PAINT the stripes!
  11. blondy97

    shaun_t50 it cost me $1,700 and that's because he didn't charge me for the CAMARO cr*p job on the bumper.

    Jpack he couldn't look me in the eyes at all when I brought the car back on Monday. I was pointing out all the spots and talking to him, he didn't look into my eyes once! He, being the owner, said that one of his BEST guys did the job! Can you believe that?

    Anthony, sorry I didn't send you an email about the whole event. As you see it took me awhile to even post it up here. I got the car back on April 17th. I have been so upset. That reminds me I have to email Liger. I am sorry your stripes are peeling!!! That stinks. They're brand new!!! Yes, the guy I took it to was the painter of the Viper that I saw at the show. It is amazing that the
    same shop did my car. I will let you know how it goes when I pick it up again.

    itSSlowZ28 I am having trouble uploading images today, says the page isn't available? I will try again later to post full view pics of the car.

    Again thanks to everyone for all your support. I love having this website and all of you to talk and vent to! :)
  12. Randy L Staff Alumni

    Just remember that you, as the consumer, have more power than shady business owners like that realize. You can contact the BBB, contact local news stations for a consumer-alert spot (saying he takes advantage of female customers...he'll go out of business!), post negative reviews on the inernet, etc.

    Good luck and don't take no crap from ANY man!!!!!! :cussing: LOL.
  13. DRUID

    As stated Monika, the job looks like they rushed it and when they correct it, make sure that they really take off a lot of material or you will have a tremendous amount of paint build up. Also make sure that they use quality tape like 3M plastic pinstriping masking tape for the stripes.
  14. CipsZ28

    That's fine Monika. Please keep us posted and if we can help in any way let us know.
  15. blondy97

    Ok, here is the car from a distance. Looks good right? Can you belive I dropped the car off on Monday and have not heard from him yet?!! I am going to call on my lunch hr. WTH??!! I am so affraid of what I am going to get back. :(
  16. Vatchy

    As you say, the car looks really good from a distance, where you can't see the screw-ups. Good luck with them today. Let us know how it goes.

    Anybody live close enough to Monika that wants to volunteer to go visit the shop with her?
  17. VETTEpwrdZ28

    first off, i love that car!!..

    i cant see why it would take so long, its not like they are painting the whole car....

    looks like it just needed a few little touch ups.......sorry those jackasses are doing you wrong..
  18. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Holy Schmoly Bat-Girl, that is definetly a 10 footer you got there!

    Definetly do as mentioned above and have them D/A sand the crap out of the car because our cars do not respond well to numerous layers of paint.

    May I also compliement you on the choice of the pearl, that looks very nice, it's a shame the drunken hack who taped the stripes couldn't tape properly or you would have an awsome car. I do paint and body myself and I would never have given you the car back like that.
  19. Iwanta69rs

    wow what was that guy smoken

    what a schmuck

    i hope your not paying to have it fixed...........that should be on the house

    if it was a shop go and report them to the Better business beaureu

    sorry but that looks horrible
  20. blondy97

    Hi Gentlemen, I called yesterday and did not talk to the owner but one of his guys and he said that they were "shooting for today" to have it done. The owner has not called me to tell me how they were going to resolve the problem. I am sure he said that he was going to get his guys together and figure out the best way to fix the problem. I thought that he would call me and let me know what they were going to do. One of the options was to pinstripe the edges of the orange with white. He said that was going to be the only way to get perfect lines. So not only does this shop do cr*p work, their customer service also stinks. Vatchy, thanks for asking someone to go with me, that was very sweet. :) I do wish I knew someone local that knew about paint. Maybe I will ask around.
    VETTEpwrdZ28, thanks, I love her too, my car is my baby!
    Prototype, yeah, the pearl was to kick up the hugger orange a little. You can only see it in the sun. I wanted to keep the integrity of the car but spice it up a bit.
    Iwanta69RS, no I am not paying extra for the fix, I might not know too much about painting cars but I'm not a push over. I can hold my own. I just wish I had more knowledge about the subject so I would have more ammo. Will keep you all posted!
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