Help!!! I've got a sunburn on my scalp!!

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by niknik, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. niknik

    Ok, so I took off to a car show Saturday, ttops off and sun shining bright. Spent probably close to 4 hours in the sun. NO SUNSCREEN :mad: Yes, I know this is my fault and believe me I'm paying for it. I usually wear a cap and some sort of Chevy or Camaro tshirt when I go to events like this but instead I decided to wear a cute tank top and no cap. So needless to say, I've been nursing a pretty bad burn (no blisters thankfully) on my chest and shoulders and I noticed last night when brushing my hair that my scalp was also tender and pink...So any suggestions how to not end up with a grease head and still moisturize my scalp to maybe prevent peeling??
  2. T-TopSS

    Ive had a sunburn on my scalp before...though i had a shaved head at the time so i wasnt worried about being "grease head" lol! I just rubbed aloe on it...def rub aloe on your body burns but i dont really know how it will do in your hair... If you cant find something id suggest not wearing black for some time and you will have the worse "dandruff" of all time. When my head burned i know my "dandruff" was terrible
  3. Greg Norris

    aloe vera. rub it on gently but allow it to soak in for a lil, then wash it out softly with lukewarm/cool water.
  4. niknik

    I find it amusing that I've only had guys reply to me.
    Thanks for the advice tho. I put some lotion on before I went to bed at night and then washed it out in the morning.
    I don't remember staying red for this many days after getting burned when I was younger..but it's been a long time since I've been burned this bad. My shoulders and the line near where my tank top was is still a nice shade of hot pink :( Working on day 5...
    I'm too old to be forgetting about my sunscreen. Lol.
  5. zeeeman28

    oh man sunburn on the top of the head SUCKS! Just wait until you get a crazy itch on your head, forget about the sunburn, then scratch the crap out of it. Yer gonna scream.
  6. Camaro Queen

    If you are still sore and your skin feels hot try using a vinegar sponge bath. Fill a bowl with room temp vinegar and soak a hand towel or wash cloth and lay it on your skin. When the cloth feels warm remove and rewet. repeat till for about half an hour to an hour depending on how much the burn is. You should feel the burning sensation go away. You could do this to the top of your head as well and then shampoo lightly in a cool shower to remove the smell.

    Not mush you can do about peeling. It is dead skin from te burn. Nothing will prevent dead skin once you have exposed it to the sun in large quantities.

    Sorry I am just responding. I did not see it till now.

    Also if you are still that pink you may want to take some vitamin b12 to help with any nerve damage. I totally sucks when you are so burned that you start to feel like you have bugs crawling all over you fro your burn damaging the tips of your nerves. Honestly that is worse than the pain as it feels like spiders all over you. EWWWW
  7. niknik

    Thanks :)I did lay a cloth soaked in vinegar on my chest and face when I got home Saturday. I was still a little sore yesterday... I bought Aveeno's oatmeal bath and soaked in it. I'm still pink and haven't really started to peel yet. Just my nose a little bit and that's it. I have started to itch a little bit...thankfully Bendryl doesn't make me sleepy tho.
  8. bigmincey

    Rustox !!:)

  9. Gatorhead

    Sorry for invading the lounge ladies I couldn't resist the call for help :biggrin:

    For sunburns always always always have NOXZEMA!

    I grew up on the beach, lifeguarded and my dad had a beach stand (concessions), plus I am a very avid fisherman and I am no stranger to the nasty burns. Alhough it smells a bit, the stuff works far better than anything else as it stays cool, and instantly takes the burn away, replinshes moisture and last longer than them all. Cake it on and say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Wal-mart has its own line of it under equate that works the same for less :)
  10. niknik

    Wow..Noxema....never thought of using that. I'm assuming you are referring to the cold cream??? Haven't used that stuff in years. Used to remove my makeup with it. Bet it would work wonders. Will keep that in mind for the future, but since I have now started peeling (something I haven't had to deal with in YEARS)...well, let's just say I won't be leaving the house without sunblock now.

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