Hello Ladies...

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by LadyStrobinSS, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. LadyStrobinSS

    :wavey:The name is Samantha, Sam, or Sammie..which ever u perfer to call me. Met most of you girls from Indy & Ohio and figured it was time for me to sign up. So far ive met.. Nora, Kim, Kristen, Carri, & Julia. Had a great time with you guys. Hopefully see you guys in Atlanta. Hope to meet the rest of the Z28 Ladies.
  2. StrobinSS

    Hi Honey!
  3. SmokinWS-6

    Well welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!! It was great getting to know u and meet u in Ohio. I sooooooooo look forward to Atlanta and seeing u there. Now stay in touch and hopefully see u on here more. Looking forward to it all!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. SmokinWS-6

    I will be talking to u and Shannon soon!!
  5. Camaro Queen

    Welcome to the site Samantha. it was nice getting to know you better in Ohio. I hope you can make it to Atlanta. We have a blast there. Ntohing at all like any other gtg you have been to.

    And tell Strobin he is in trouble for posting in the ladies lounge unless he plans to wear a dress and makeup. This could be intersting. LOL
  6. SmokedOutZ28

    There goes the neighborhood!!!

    Hi Sonya lol
  7. LadyStrobinSS

    thanks Kim and Nora...i had a blast in ohio..i do hope we go to atlanta..I keep trying to put makeup on him but he wont let me!! LOL and SAM IMA SHANK YOU!!
  8. SmokedOutZ28

    NEVER!!! Ha lol
  9. Camaro Queen

    looks like both guys get to dress up for us in Atlanta... Unless you can get it done before Samantha.
  10. LadyStrobinSS

    I will try my best but its better if i had you girls to back me up :chuckles:
  11. CamaroChica

    ~*~welcome to the site Sam~*~ I also had great time in Ohio! cant wait for ATL! :)
  12. niknik

    Welcome Samantha! I missed out on Ohio but am definitely looking forward to Atlanta next year!!!
  13. Shortee

    hello! welcome! you haven't met me but my name is heather aka shortee (I respond to both)
  14. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    How have you been? it has been a while.:wavey:
  15. Shortee

    yeah it has. been doing the work/school thing and don't have a whole lot of time to be online. nice car btw :) I'm just a little jealous ;)
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