Heading down the spiritual path

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by richard96, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. richard96

    I have had some real personal problems with my family for a long time. (Mom, Dad, Sisters) This year has been the worst by far. I have always found a way to deal with these issues and tried to put them behind me. In alot of ways I have successfully moved forward in life. Thanks to my wife and her family, I have become a very honest and caring person. Keep in mind, my father-in-law has been a pastor for 24 years now. He was born again 45 years ago.

    I am at a comfortable point in my life that I am ready to be born again. I plan to get baptized with my daughter in the near future. My wife and I are ready to make the commitment. We are unsure of several things tho. I have some questions about spiritual protocol. I dont mind discussing this in the open. PM's would be appropiate as well.

    Forgiven, Jim, Jason, Glenn, Drew, or anyone interested are welcome.

    Thanks because I know I will get some good advice.
  2. Wild Willy

    Congratulations on becoming part of a bigger world- more possibilities, more love, more compassion. There is more to the world than what is merely seen by our human senses. You think you are just beginning your spiritual growth, but it must have started a while ago to get you to this point, open to new questions and new answers. We are all children of a divine God, but many never learn enough to claim their heritage.
  3. Forgiven

    Richard this is good news, Congrats on choosing to seek God. I am open to any questions you may have, best perhaps would to email me as I do not always check this place out often. (yet now that I have replied here it any new posts will appear in my emails) I would go into more detail than here probably in a one to one email envionment. [email][email protected][/email]

  4. richard96

    Thanks fellas. I talked with my father in law some more. I understand the whole process. I just want to go about it the right way. Some religions are more strict than others. My wife was raised penacostal. Prob mispelled that. Thanks Mike, I'll send out an email in the near future.
  5. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Just saw this myself. Count me in. :) Richard, send me a pm when you can.
  6. BdNflnc

    I just saw this too! Thats great news Rich!!! The biggest thing to keep in mind is that denomination absolutely does not matter one bit. Its all about your heart and your relationship with God. It doenst matter what church you go to, or how that church has its worship services laid out. My suggestion would be to just start visiting several churches in the area with your family and just see where you feel most comfortable and their way of doing things seems like a good fit for you. No church is ever going to be perfect, so dont look for that, but see what kinds of programs they offer for children, and if there are groups or a group you and your wife can be a part of. Yes, becoming a believer is about putting your faith and life in Jesus Christ and trusting Him fully, but it doesnt need to get bogged down with rules and regulations.... In the bible it says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved." Nothing else matters. It doesnt matter if one church only sings traditional hymns and another has an all out praise band with electric guitars. So much of being a believer is becoming a part of the body of Christ(other believers) Spend time with them, getting to know them, and building a "community" with them. That is how it is intended to work, so that you have people all around you for support and help, and you can in turn do the same for them.
    Please feel free to talk to any one of us and ask us any questions you may have. There is no stupid question when it comes to this stuff. :) Some of it can be really confusing.
    Just keep in mind, baptism does NOT get you saved, it is only an outward expression of the decision you have made in your heart. Its only symbolic. Its the same with communion. Its only a way to refocus on Christ, taking communion does not make you more spiritual, its just a physical act to help us slow down and really think about what God has done for us. The bread and wine(grapejuice) do not actaully become Jesus' blood and body, they are just used as symbols. Just as an example, we do not do/take communion at our church because we believe too many people get wrapped up in it and start to believe that they HAVE to do it or they are failing in their faith. But if I am visiting a church that does do it, I have no problem participating in it. I think its a great thing to do as long as you can keep your focus on the real intent and purpose for it.

    Just remember... its all about your relationship with God. None of the other worldly stuff we have come up with matters. :)
  7. richard96

    Wow, great post Landon. I havent had much time to pm or email Mike or Jim, hang in there guys, will do. I think we are more afraid of what other people think of us and how we go about our relationship with god. Once we get over that, I dont think there will be much of a problem. As you said, I agree, baptism or communion is just a symbolic act of your relationship. You have to accept Jesus and want to be saved. Its a process that may include doubt and misbelief. I believe once we are over these little issues, our life will be blessed. I know I am ready.
  8. BdNflnc

    Other people as in your friends? Or people at the church you decide to attend? It will be tough getting past the fear of what close friends may think, but you could also be a witness to them and if they see the change in your life, it may intrigue them and they may want to learn more.. you never know! And any church that is truly following Gods word will be very happy to have you join them. Some people can be stuck up about it if they have been raised in a christian home their entire life, but we all are born sinners and needs Gods forgiveness, so it doesnt matter how you were raised, we all have to take the same steps.
    As for the fears you have to face... just pray and ask God for His strength and wisdom to help you in those times. Trusting God is one of the scariest things anyone can ever do, but its by far the most rewarding thing as well.
  9. richard96

    Being accepted by a new group of people is not always easy. I think its similar to stage-fright. We need to start somewhere and we will definitely take your advice. I am glad you posted up here Landon. Thanks bro.
  10. Forgiven

    And look at this post it is quite a few months old....How is this going for you Richard? I hope you have found some good friends who have the same desire as you stated earlier.....To know and please God. Keep closest to people who love to please God in all things. Yes it is important to not cheat lie or steal in any way......Jesus said: "If you love me you will keep my commandments..." Not that any of us can be perfect, we can't...but it is a heart attitude that is required. Keep away from any whose life actions do not line up with what they claim to be..and yes there are many who attend churches who are not what they are trying to look like......call them on it and if they do not shape up avoid them.....:)
  11. richard96

    Thanks for posting up Mike. Life is good here. I have made it through alot of personal struggles and I am still keeping it real. As far as the commandments go, thats a no brainer. We live our life clean and respectful. We need to find our way to a good life with God and share it with each other. I would have to say its tough to do within my own family. We are making strides. Its a slow process and its better for me and my family.
  12. Forgiven

    I now have a camaro again and will be here once and a while. So am revisiting this old thread. How is it going Richard? I am doing well, but must admit as I age things of this life do not get easier. I have discovered the Pocket Testament league. It is a great way of getting the gospel in the hands of people, check it out.
    I like the new cover with a new camaro on it...thats right...camaro. You can sign up and order for free. Use my member number (443257) as a referal and I will be able to see how you and others you influence to join goes. Spreading the word is a very good thing to do.....
  13. Rya

    It's always a wonderful day when someone makes the decision to live a better life and congratulations for making that choice for yourself. Your life is now going to unfold so beautifully and each day will always be better than the last as long as you stay on the path.
  14. Zane

    I know this thread is old, but it's inspiring to read about how other people are making the effort to change their lives and taking the necessary steps to ensure that they live the life they desire.

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