Gauging interest for a Michelin LPG track day event in upstate SC

Discussion in 'Camaro Events' started by Greg Norris, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Greg Norris

    Just like the title says, I'm working on setting up a track day with the guys at the Michelin Laurens Proving Grounds here in Upstate SC. They do an annual event with the corvette guys and a few other car clubs and I'm wanting to get something set up for us. Depending on potential turnout, we might have to piggyback with another club, but I'd like to get this going as a separate annual event.

    Right now I need to get a feel for how many people would come out so that I can give the numbers to the Michelin guys to show them that there is a bona-fide interest in doing this.

    I've spoken with the LPG liason and they are interested in having us at their facility. I'm waiting for an invoice from them sometime this week to discuss our options as far as track rental, admission fees, regulations, etc.

    We dont have a scheduled date for this, at the earliest it would be at the end of August, but I forsee we should be able to set something up for the first couple weekends of October or November or at the latest mid December.

    So who would like to come out and make use of the 3300 acre proving grounds for a track day at Michelin?

    aerial view of the tracks

    Just post up in the thread that you would like to do this. and any questions/concerns you might have as well.

    This is going to be more than just a track day. I'm planning on having a full days event starting off with a cruise thru downtown Greenville, SC and ending up at the facility. Racing all day at the track along with activities and a car show for those who dont want to race.

    I'm contacting local speed shops and more to see about having them come out as well to show off their stuff for us and help sponsor this.

    I need your guys' help to get the word out about this. one of the big kickers for this to be pulled off is attendance. Michelin would love to host our event, but we need to show them that we can bring enough cars and people to make it worth their while!

    I'm throwing this out on other forums as well to get as much possible attendance as possible. I'm working to get this in sometime this year, but I'm not opposed to something early next spring.

    I'm waiting on an invoice from them for rental cost for the track. they have a couple different options,

    1. the track would be rented out and they would hand us the keys and come back at the end of the day
    2. they will work with us and run the gate and we would take care of the racing/car show/etc
    3. They get more involved and offer their master driver instructors to give lessons and track time for those that want to enjoy the race, but dont trust their own abilities.

    and different mixups of the above.

    If you guys have some contacts for local speed shops and vendors who would want to jump on this and help make it a reality and help get their name out there, post them up in here or pm me the contacts. or direct them to me. [email][email protected][/email]
  2. richard96

    I love all the ideas. If they had their own track cars, that would be a big plus too. I happen to have a relative by Myrtle Beach so this could work out for me.

    Good luck Greg on getting this done. It will be awesome.
  3. Greg Norris

    Myrtle Beach is on the other side of the state...:nana:

    regardless, I want everyone who can make it out to come on down. I'm working with insurance companies to get quotes on covering the event (I literally need a 1 million dollar policy for the track day :mad:) I've got this listed on 3 or 4 other forums as well to get as much exposure as I can. I'm fighting to keep the entrance fees as low as possible because I foresee a lot of people driving a long distance to come out plus hotel fees for friday night, etc and there will be a lot of people who wont necessarily want to race their car, but will want to come out for the cruise, meet and greet, and the car show. plus it will provide a chance for the camaro and musclecar families to grow and meet new people.

    I already have an annual Columbia meet and greet and a charleston meet and greet in December and February and now that I've moved to upstate SC, I want to get an event going up here as well.:biggrin:
  4. richard96

    My hotel will be myrtle beach. And i am 11 hours away anyhow. A little detour would not be bad.
  5. Greg Norris

  6. richard96

    stage 2 of my mancation. pretty cool greg
  7. Greg Norris

    thanks. yeah, I'm just trying to get something set up here. Its not always easy to travel to the other events that I help set up so I'm wanting to set something up in my "backyard"
  8. Greg Norris

    Just got off the phone with Michelin. We definately have the road course on lock down. The wet handling course is looking good, but it drives the price up obviously. They are working their schedule to ensure that we can have something set in stone this fall.

    Potential dates:

    Oct 8-10
    Oct 14-16
    Nov 11-13
    Dec 9-11

    I asked about how involved they wanted to be with this as it would be a great PR move for them to be more involved with the local motorsports community, and they said they'd love to, but they'd bill by the hour for their time...

    so that part might be out. I may be able to convince one or two of them to stop by during the event and offer "tips and tricks", but thats all for later down the road.

    They are drafting up the rental agreement now and will be emailing it to me later this week.

    Right now, I need you guys to spread the word to anyone and everyone so I can get a good tally of how many people will be coming out.

    Cus the more people we can get to attend, the lower the price will be.

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