Everyone Please read before posting!!!

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by MasterZ, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    :usaribbio Show your Support for Our Troops and Hero's of the Nation!

    Use this forum to share stories, send thanks, & communicate with our Hero's. Please do not post anything car related in this section! There is plenty of room in the rest of the site. This section is dedicated to our Troops, Fire Fighters, Law Enforcement, etc… This can also be used to post petitions for support, Videos / Pictures in honor of.., or anything related to Heroic.

    I want to offer this section of Z28.com as a communication gateway for our Troops overseas as well. If you happen to know of anyone serving our country that has internet access over seas, then spread the word to them. Hopefully they can access this an read our messages. So share your stories and spread the word.

    We would also like to hear stories and from our Hero's as well. So it you have anything you would like to share please feel free to do it here.

    Thanks for Your Support!
    The Z28.com Crew ;)

    :ban: Warning!
    I hate to spoil a good message, but if anyone says anything negative in this forum you will be Banned from the site immediately without question! This is a positive section showing the support for our Hero's only
  2. MichaelZ28lt1

    I'm grad you take this to heart Jason, and I don't think banning someone for saying some thing negative on this subject is to out of line. I'm glad to see this section up and I do have a story to tell about a local police officer and my neighbor who just returned from Iraq a month ago. Jason I don't know how you do it but you make this site better and better everyday and by far its the best forum site in the world and I thank you for all your hard work in making this site what it is today.

    Michael J
  3. weaponZ Staff Alumni

    i would like to be the first to say im am lucky to have such a strong milatary overseas fighting for our country.i see all this stuff on CNN and FOX and dont know what to belive.

    i've talked to people that has served some time over there and they said its crazy over there.about 90% of the people there support the us milatary and the other 10% just have no clue whats going on.thats the ones we see in the news.

    thanks again and happy holidays
  4. tommyz06

    I just want to say thanks to all the troops and hope that they get to come home soon. My prayers are with you all! Happy Holidays!!
  5. SFC AL

    y'all guys AND girls deployed are always in my thoughts. Not only during the holiday season but everyday. Keep doing the awsome job you all are doing and I hope you return to your loved ones safely. As a veteran of both Operation Desert Storm and Operaion Iraqi Freedom I can definately relate what its like to be away from loved ones during holidays. Just remember that I am sure that you wouldn't want to be away from the guys to your left and right as they wouldn't want it any other way either no matter how much it DOES SUCK. Just come home safe to the world and have a beer with me ANYTIME.. my treat.

    with a parade ground salute.
    Sergeant First Class Algiere
    United States Army
    DS 90-91
    OIF 03
  6. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    Lets start making individual post in this section if we can ;)

    Thanks for the support
  7. SScoulter

    Words escape me to express my feelings about our brave men and women fighting for us. God bless them all!

    :usa: :usa2: :usa2:
  8. RatedZ

    I think about our soldiers overseas every single day, and wish them the best that can happen out of the situation. I have nothing but respect, and show nothing but support for the brave men and women overseas during this trying time.

    I wish our soldiers the greatest of luck, as well as wish the best for their families.

    Our brave soldiers have no idea how much we support them!

  9. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Nice job Jason on posting this up. We cant do enough for our troops fighting for this great nation and our freedom.
  10. bowtied96

    God bless you all! Thank you so much for fighting and protecting us. I hope for all of you to return home safely. You are all well loved and appreciated! Thanks again!

    I love and miss you baby! Hi Jhon Fay! hope all is well over there!
    sgt. Brandon p. Grove
  11. Mykdiver

    Thanks for making this section. I think it is very important to recognize those who are fighting for our country.
  12. davis95

    Without our military we wouldn't be the super power of a country that we are. I'd like to express a sincere thanks to everyone in the military either active, reserve, or retired. I can already tell that this will be a very active area of this site.
  13. RedZ28ss

    thanks for the e-mail jason.glad to see that there is alot of people that really care about what is going on over there! all i wish is for all of our troops to come home soon and to be safe and sound!!!!
  14. 35thZ28

    I live by the largest F-16 training base in the world and I can not get enough of the sound of freedom. God bless all of our troops no matter if there at the store or overseas. ANCHORS AWAY!
  15. 93allslp

    Man, what a great idea for the site!!! I just have to say I pray and think about ALL the U.S. military deployed over seas. Keep up the great work and try to keep your heads up. Youll be home soon!!!! Every night I drink a beer and cheers to everyone of you!! Thank you! Sincerely,
    Aaron Hoffman
    Lcpl. USMC 2/6 echo company
    Weapons pla. machine gunner OOH-RAHH
  16. Jshore2005

    I think about our soldiers overseas every single day, and wish them the best that can happen out of the situation. I have nothing but respect, and show nothing but support for the brave men and women overseas during this trying time.

    I wish our soldiers the greatest of luck, as well as wish the best for their families.

    Our brave soldiers have no idea how much we support them!

    Couldn't have said it better myself rated z-so what he said with my best wishes to all those away from home and our boys in blue and the other heros on the home front as well-thank you for your sacrifice.
  17. Mykdiver

    I am an ET1(SS/DV) USN 14 years and counting.
  18. rex orr

    Hello To all of our troops deployed or not. Take care of your selfs as best as you can . We can only begin to understand how hard beeing away from Family and Friends would be. We Pray for your safe return Home. We are so proud of all of you. Be Safe and back home as soon as possibe is my Pray for you all. Merry Christmas. Rex
  19. jasonbuchanan

    Merry Christmas to all at Z-28.com and for giving everyone of us the opportunity to wish all our troops a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, We appreciate all that you are doing and support you one hundred precent. May god bless everyone of you since i don't know you by name but if you need someone to email you updates from the U.S. just let me know. Love and happiness to you and your families for the holidays and the new year, Your friends, Jason and Gina Buchanan
  20. chevyfreek88

    Great To See So Much Support For Our Troops-

    Merry Christmas And Get Home Safe !!!!!!!
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