1. KYWes

    Curious as to why the option to edit one's post is not always available. I really like the option to edit or delete a post.
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    The way it is set is for, I believe an hour (@Z28/Ken can confirm), the edit button will be located on posts. After that, the edit button goes away. The reason for this is because in the past, people have done some pretty strong flaming (maybe overnight while the staff is asleep or not online) and then did an edit to hide what they did. Since hardly anyone was on, no one could report it, and users cannot see edited messages. Well, they cannot see what the message was. In the same breath, staff will most likely overlook an edited post as the text is quite small. So in this case, we would never know.

    In most cases, when someone makes a post, they will (hopefully) proof read it before posting, and after posting. In that amount of time, they have the ability to change any mistakes or bad information.

    And as always, if something is not caught and you need a post edited, just let the staff know and we will be happy to correct anything about a post (in most cases).

    I tried to edit your post so that you can see it is easy to overlook when we are dealing with quite a few threads a day. But, it's still too early for the edit to appear on your post.
  3. KYWes

    Ok, I understand the reasoning and regret it is necessary due to flaming. I know I don't like being flamed or wading through posts with all that in it.

    I wish, however, there was a different solution.

    I will say one reason Z28.com is my go-to Camaro forum is because I have found people on here more polite and helpful.

    On other boards I've even had issues on how I thought some of the moderators were being a bully to posters.

    Good job Tony, Ken and the other moderators.

    No I don't NEED anything edited but I would add a thought if I could do it myself.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
  4. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Are you needing a post edited? I'm just catching up here on the forum tonight and have some time.
  5. mullettcar

    if a guy wanted to add a thought to his post couldnt he just reply to his original post or quote it then it would put the new thought under the original post?
  6. mullettcar

    just like this insert thought here maybe
  7. KYWes

    Yes, certainly. But it seems cumbersome to me and to have to ask a moderator do it. A good example is in the For Sale stuff. It would be nice to be able to mark something sold within the original post.
  8. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Mullettcar, that is exactly what we are trying to prevent on the site. Seeing post after post from the same member on the forum just looks messy and is where the edit button comes into play. Allows the author to add to their post without stringing out a whole bunch of posts.

    Like my original reasoning for the temporary edit button, the same goes in the for sale section. It would allow for someone to do some really bad things in there when the staff is not online.
  9. mullettcar

    yes that would be good , you could have your list of parts and as they sold if would be cool to be able to tick them off as sold
  10. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Yeah, any time you need an edit and the time has expired, and it's not something suitable for a follow up post instead, we can help with that.

    I wish there was a way to open up editing instead of it having a time limit, but like Tony said it's been abused. Also, and this is sneaky, is I've seen on another board where a spammer registered, made a few posts that people answered. 3 months later they edited the posts with their spam, and because the threads had no new posts they didn't show up in "New Posts". So their spam gets picked up by Google (sites gain "Page Rank" in Google when other sites link to them), and the site admin never knew they were spammed until a user stumbled on it almost a year later and reported it.

    Its always the bad apples who ruin things for others.
    KYWes and mullettcar like this.
  11. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Ken, that is a FANTASTIC point and I have had it happen to me on my own sites. That is some low down BS is what that is, but like you mentioned, the spiders will find it and boom, you are now a spam magnet! I fought that crap for almost a year before I could finally get back to where I was. 2014 was a horrible year lol.

    Love suggestions like this though as it gets us thinking about what we can do better so keep posting!
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