Don't Hijack Other Peoples Threads

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Tony, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I have seen a dramatic increase in thread hijacks recently on this site and we need to put a stop to that. If you have input for the OP of the thread, great! Post up and help them out. However, the issue we are having is people with an identical or similar issue posting in someone else's thread with their issue, and not only not helping the OP of the thread, but turning focus onto another person.

    Please, make your own thread with YOUR issue and don't post YOUR issue in SOMEONE ELSE'S thread. We see every post and thread that is made on this forum and trust me, if we can help, we will help. No need to take over another thread.

    And for the love of everything automotive, DO NOT bump a thread that is over a year old where no one is posting in it! Make your own thread!

    If anyone sees someone hijacking a thread, please click that little REPORT button in their thread and bring it to our attention. I don't always read through an entire thread every time I go into it, I usually just hit new reply and see the new posts. Using the Report button will bring to our attention these thread hijacks.

    Thanks everyone!
    NastyZ likes this.

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