Dont Forget Monday...Feb 14th

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by MasterZ, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    Friendly reminder, :duh:Don't forget monday is Feb 14th Valentines Day...

    Make is special for the somone you love!:wub:
  2. BdNflnc

    Alllllready taken care of! :D
  3. sweet-94z28

    Never had to buy a girl anything for Valentines. To me, this is just a way for card companies, jewelers, and chocolate companies to make some extra money. When I was dating my ex, she didn't believe in the day and neither do I so it worked out perfect!
  4. digi7al ph0enix Staff Alumni

    I absolutely refuse to be a part of valentine's day. If you have to wait for one day a year to show someone you care then you don't really care. If the person you are with cares about being given thoughtless gifts and cards one day a year then they probably aren't worth being around to begin with. And people wonder why the divorce rate is so high...
  5. BdNflnc

    Nobody said anything about waiting for one day a year to show the person we love that we care about them. Unfortunatley too many couples are so busy with work and other activities that they struggle to make time for each other. Valentines Day is a great way to specifically set aside time to do that.
    And I dont believe that Valentines Day is in any way related to the divorce rate. Its tied more to people not taking the time to get to know each other before they get married and also thinking that its easier to forget about it and get divorced rather than taking time to actually WORK on your relationship. The divorce rate is high because people give up too easy.
    If you look at the history behind the day, it has nothing to do with card, chocolate, and jewelry compaines, and in fact the day was started before any of those companies even existed.

    If you and your significant other dont believe in it and dont care about it, thats fine. But some of us use every chance we get to show the people we care about how much they mean to us. So why would you just throw it away so quickly?!

    Simply put... you do your thing, I'll do mine. :)
  6. digi7al ph0enix Staff Alumni

    Great post. I didn't mean for what I said to be taken as law for everyone else out there, I was just getting my own views out. I think that for many people V-Day really is the only time they spend on their relationship and that to me is a sign of why marriages and relationships fail so often these days. Too many people have forgotten that its people that make a relationship, not things.
  7. BdNflnc

    I didnt take your post badly, just wanted to mention there are different sides to the topic. I agree that its sad that many people dont have much time to put into their relationship. I completely agree with you on that being a major contributor to the divorce rate. With marriage, you get out of it what you put into it.... dont put anything into it, you wont get anything out of it.

    In response to your last sentence... I completely agree with that 100%
    VERY good comment!! :thumbsup:
  8. uLs1a

    Its my favorite day of the year :)
  9. the_husk

    Halmark holiday imo
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