Do It Yourself Windshield Repair Kits

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by Past from the Blast, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Past from the Blast

    I got a small spider crack in the windshield yesterday. Maybe half an inch long right now. Before it gets worse and I have to buy new glass has anyone used one of those DIY windshield repair kits? Do they really work? I am worried that it will fix the problem but leave a spot in the window that is obvious it was cracked! Also are any of the kits better than the others?
  2. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    I've repaired 2 different windshields this way using the 3m kit. The sooner you do it after the crack happens the better the results tend to be. The key is to properly prepare it. Clean the windshield around the area completely with a lint free cloth and rubbing alcohol. Follow the directions exactly, and if your results are anything like mine you'll be hard pressed to know it was ever cracked. You can't tell even in the slightest that I've repaired mine.

    Make sure you do this on a warm sunny, cloudless day. You have to do the repair in the shade, then take it ought into direct sunlight for the repair compound to cure from UV light.
  3. LSWrench

    Its pretty easy to do and you can get great results. If you worry you won't do it right many glass shops with do it for about $30.
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