Dallas Situation

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by Z28/Ken, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Its a little early on but Dallas PD says 10 officers shot, 3 are dead (one is a DART officer), 2 in surgery and 3 in critical condition. Two snipers involved.

    I hope they get the dirt bags.
  2. 4thand26

    What's a DART officer? I saw something, was going to let things settle before reading more as there is so much chaos right now there? Are a few folks on this site officers in Texas?
  3. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Dallas Area Rapid Transit

    Death toll up to 4. One suspect in custody.
  4. 4thand26

    got it. yeah I saw that update. Freakin' crazy
  5. LSWrench

    Death toll now 5. Prayers sent for their families they got some rough time ahead of them.
  6. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    I blame a lot of the lack of leadership in the White House for inflaming much of the BLM stuff the past year. It was building up to this.
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I was just in Dallas today dropping off a load, but thankfully I was not anywhere near this stuff. I did see a LOT of military and Police helicopters in the air though where I was.

    Last night, I was sitting in a restaurant and the president came on talking about the stuff in Mn. Without using these words, he basically sided with the criminals saying that police search out for "blacks and hispanics" while the white guy walks free.

    IMO, HE is the reason this violence is going on. I was so pissed after watching that that I couldn't sleep last night. Makes me glad that I took off the badge so that I'm not a target. I saw this coming and got out. And I have mass respect for those still in. I hope they hang these guys up by the tight and curlies.
  8. GaryDoug

    Last week I noticed a lot more cops on the road stopping drivers. I wondered where these cops had been all these years while everyone was driving illegally and dangerously with out any local enforcement to be seen. Then I noticed something disturbing. I counted 9 cops stopping people on the road during the week and EVERY person stopped was black. And every situation had a t least 2 cruisers present. We do not have a large black population here, so this is racist activity at its worst and this is going on all over the country. I am mad as hell about it and think every department should be flushed of these scumbags and re-staffed with ethical people. Enough is enough!
  9. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Be that as it may, 5 cops in Dallas were killed in premeditated murder that had nothing to do with those 9 cops pulling people over - those 5 cops were protecting the rights of the very people protesting against them. I hope you're mad as hell about that too.....?
  10. GaryDoug

    9 cops, 2 snipers. Sounds outnumbered to me. Cancel my account. I will have nothing top do with bigots ever.
  11. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    All references to your products here will be linked back to this thread so everyone can see what you stand for and let your own words speak for themselves. There's no bigotry here, that's a weak card. However I do see a person who approves of cop killing, and that person is you.
  12. Mike B.

    It was actually 12 cops shot. 5 dead
  13. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    One cop shot is too many. Thanks for the update, hope everything is quiet where you are Mike.
  14. Mike B.

    Yep I totally agree. Thanks for the concern Tony I live about 15mi north of Down town and it's quiet so far. Maybe it's just me but you could feel the tension in the air. I don't like it one bit.
  15. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Yup, I was just down there Friday and could feel it in the air. Lots more helicopters in the air, including military, a lot of military heli's. This crap has to stop or we are going to have another civil war on our hands.
  16. Mike B.

    I'll stop talking because when I start thinking about all this my blood starts boiling. So I'll just stop. :growl: Trying to keep the blood pressure under control.
  17. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I feel ya bro.
  18. LSWrench

    You have some serious mental issues.
  19. 4thand26

    I have two close friend who have lost family members from questionable actions by law enforcement, I also have friends/family in law enforcement who are great examples of people serving their communities. I can only control what I do and I am staying calm and not being sucked into emotionally charged actions. That is all I can do.
    Freebird and Mike B. like this.
  20. BuffordTAfterMe

    Good riddance.

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