Excuses on why you did'nt go to COURT.

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Bail, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Bail

    Well see what had happen was. My momma was gonna go for me but she forgot my court date. (WTFreak.)

    Well I overslept and when I got up I had car trouble.(Sure)

    MY LAWYER was suppose to be there. Ok but did you pay him ummm not yet. Oh well how the hell does he suppose to handle your case. DUNNO...(Stupid Azz).

    Please Michael my lil girl was sick. AAHHH you have a son. Well see she my step daughter.(You need to go to jail)

    Man I was walking down the street on the way to court. And this lady told me she will give me $50 bucks to cut her grass so I did. Bout time I was done court was over with.(You dont say)

    My DADDY is a Captain with the W-S POLICE DEPT and he told me he will handle it.(Wrong get your azz in the back of this car). Daddy aint above the LAW and you aint either.

    I paid SOME of my fines.(Key word SOME) I did'nt have to go back to court.(Failure to appear and COMPLY)

    Now you guys see why I cant wait to go to INDY:rant:
  2. Spyderking69

    my dog was sh***** all over the house i couldnt leave him alone.

    i went to church yesterday and found god... im a good person now y would i have to go im a changed man

    my mom didnt wake me up intime

    i had nothing to wear

    the judge was mean to me last time, i dont have to put up with that

    i thought it was 945pm not am

    i promised my mom id take her grocery shopping

    i had a dr's appointment that same day

    we could go on and on about htis crap lol
  3. msclman99

    my mother's job requires her to be at the local criminal office for a couple of hours a day so she gets to hear the people coming in with these off the wall reasons too. she also gets to hear what kind of crime they committed which can also be pretty funny, like someone got a dui for riding a bicycle on the freeway while stoned. wtf?!
  4. msclman99

    #1 answer!
  5. Bail

    LOL.....LOL...Yea I've delt with that before.
  6. Spyderking69

    yep dui doesnt mean u have to be in a car...its a bike skateboard roller blades u can get it for doint anything besides walking if the cop wants to be an ass about it... or how much of an ass the person is to a cop
  7. GradeZ28

    some people are such idiots lol.. my friend wrote a ton of bad checks for a couple years and finally got thrown in jail.. he served a year and then got released on strict probation... a few months later he is back in for:

    1. breaking probation for leaving the state
    2. breaking probation for buying alcohol
    3. breaking probation for not keeping a job

    i just don't understand people! He must have liked having a year of his life taken away
  8. zeeeman28

    what about a non-stop explosive diarreah excuse? That would probably fly right?
  9. Spyderking69

    lol u gotta be dead or in the hospital to miss a court date and even the in the hospital thing is rough
  10. Dave632

    The first time I heard that you could get a DUI for riding a bike, (not a motorcycle), I thought they were kidding.
    Then I heard it again and it seems to be true. This in my opinion is the law getting out of hand. The reason for DUI is to stop those who drive while intoxicated in a vehicle that can kill others. Who is going to be hurt by someone on a bike or skateboard. Any cop who gives a ticket like that is an asshole in my opinion. Give one for public drunkeness but not DUI, that is purely stupid.
    This comes from a former Military Policeman who handled many a drunk. I also hate drinking, have not touched alcohol for 40 years and never intend to. Laws have to make some sense, not just make money for the government, which many of them are designed to do.:mad:
  11. ricehammer

    My opti failed on the way to court.
  12. Greg Norris

    1. Greg Norris falcon punched me.

    only excuse you need..lol
  13. Ethan

    I drive a FORD......you understand right?
  14. msclman99

    if i was the judge, i'd understand.
  15. Bail

    Guilty as charged.....
  16. RatedZ

    My dog ate my summons? :thumbsup:

    I've never missed a court date. I've only two. :)
  17. FeartheZ28

    what court date?
    i never got any papers or anything :D
  18. 94FormulaBird

    if anyone has any really good ones...lemme know...ill try em out on my court date in 3 weeks
  19. Bail

    Nah you go and just hang on in there...It"s ruff but just go. Now I can come allllllllllllllllll the way to columbia to get you out. But id rather come down and stay over Chris and Jewsls place and we all go have fun. You feel me.:yahoo:
  20. Greg Norris

    dont forget Greg Norris...:thumbsup:
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