moving on

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by jblindy, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. jblindy

    Well guys, I just joined the Army. I'm going in as a 25s which is satcom or satellite communications. I got a $30,000 bonus plus another $6000 for my higher education and the army is paying off all of my existing student loans, which is about $40,000. I will be going in as an e4 specialist. I leave August 20 (my birthday) for my bct at Fort Benning then I move on to Fort Gordon for my 36 week ait.

    This is my formal goodbye to I've been here for four years and most of it was good times. There are some here that I respect and love to read their comments and there are others who I can't stand and there are quite a few of you guys on my ignore list.

    It's time for me to move on, though. This place was a source of good information for me and helped me in transforming my car (thanks Rick). I'm sitting here looking at my calendar with my car gracing the page for the month of August and I sure do miss her. But better things are on the horizon.

    Bye all.
  2. T-TopSS

    You will be missed... you are truly a hero to this country!
  3. Justablur

    Good luck man. Wish you the best
  4. squirrelishere

    I never did get to meet you at a GTG. Never say good-bye for you will never know when/if you will return. Good luck in your endeavors!!
  5. Lyle A Staff Alumni

    Good luck and may God be with you. Thank You for your decision to serve.
  6. Camaro Queen

    I am sorry to see you leaving but I understand that often times we outgrow something. I wish you luck in all you set out to do and most of all I wish you the best while serving our country. Thank you.

    I hope that you will at least pop in on occasion and say hello as well as keep us updated on how life in the Army is treating you.

    God Bless.
  7. quickkris2006

    good luck and my god be with u
  8. ecniv

    Good luck, the military is a great way to make changes in your life - and it sounds like they gave you a great deal. Have fun with it. If you ever get the opportunity to work on the C-RAM system, I might be one of your instructors.
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