z28.com calendars 2009

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 26, 2008.


2009 Z28.com Calendars?!?

  1. YES!

    37 vote(s)
  2. NO!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. z28camarocarri

    Well things went pretty well with z28.com Calendars last year. I am going to take a poll to see if this is something the z28.com members want again this year. I would need to start getting pics/information in by the end of August to have time to make them before christmas time. There WILL BE alot done differently. Last year was my first expierence with the calendar's and i now know alot more than I did then. I am willing to make more than 1 version again if needed. I need HIGH RES, GOOD Quality pics to make the best calendars. Local's Im more than willing to come take detail shots and full car shots for you, anyone within decent driving range, that can get multiple members together for a shoot, Id love to do that too.

    Remember you dont have to own a z28 to be in the calendar either. Id love to do a couple fbody calendars again and maybe an all makes/models calendar for those with other cars.

    so answer the poll and put up any suggestions/ideas you may have for the 2009 calendars!!! I love doing these, theyre alot of fun.
  2. T-TopSS

    Yes Yes Yes Yes
  3. greg_74

    You going to be at Indy were you could take a high quality pic of my car? If not I would be more than happy to email you a couple high quality ones of my SS.
  4. z28camarocarri

    I should be at Indy Thursday/Friday and possibly saturday morning, but right now its up in the air on when I will be coming and going.
  5. greg_74

    I meant at like the Camaro thing in Indy, is that what you're talking about. My pics are good enough, just don't know if they are high enough quality.
  6. z28camarocarri

    yeah thats what im talking about
  7. We're Not Worthy

    Would you be interested in a dual pic of my dad's Challenger(coming soon) and my Iroc.
  8. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Yeah I would be interested sweetie.
  9. danporcaro

    Ummm..... Yes! I thought they came out great last year. Unfortunately I didn't have any good pics but my internship is over the 2nd week of August so I'll have time to get some better pictures when I get home.
  10. 92camaroLT1

    yes would be interested
  11. LS1DER

    yup, I'd buy another one
  12. z28camarocarri

    there is going to be some things done differently like stated this year. Basically it will elimate any wait time, I will pay for all the calendars up front and have them " in stock " and the day they are paid for they are shipped out to you, instead of pre-paying. That crap really screwed everything up. So they wouldnt go up for sale until I had them in my possession completed. I had plans to do all the printing myself but I test printed one from last year and the quality isnt to my standards and it also cost me more per calendar to print myself and cut/bind everything. So I will be using an outside source again but most likely not the same as last year and if it is that same source, I have worked out sizes so there are NO printing mishaps or problems like last year. but id rather not use them due to last years issues, although the print quality was nice.
  13. Brandon

    any idea on how much these calendars would cost?
  14. z28camarocarri

    Last year they were $22.00 shipped to you. They wont be any more than that.
  15. Camaro Queen

    Will this years calander have Easter marked on it? The one I have does not. I only realized it was Easter being that it was early because my mom made mention of it.
  16. greg_74

    IF it doesn't you could always just look at another calender or watch the news or look on the internet... unless of course the z28.com calender is your only way of finding out when certain dates are... haha sorry, just had to say it.
  17. z28camarocarri

    yes i can have holidays marked on them.
  18. sonia

    Me want one.*z28rocks*
  19. Camaro Queen

    It has all the other holidays. It just does not have Easter on it. And No I Use this one. I do not have a million others around the house.
  20. z28camarocarri

    yeah mom i just looked at all the calendars and thats weird, the rest are on their but not easter. I will definitely look into getting easter on there.

    so far the vote leads to a definate yes. therefore everyone better start taking some pics.
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