"Caylees Law"

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Z28Chic, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Z28Chic

    I'm sure most of you have heard of the tragic story of Little 2 year old Caylee Anthony. If you haven't here is a link to catch up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_Anthony
    This case lays very heavy on my heart. It's something I think about everyday & it hurts so bad to know that her killer isn't behind bars. For the past 3 days, I have been lighting 2 candles every night & blowing them out in the early morning & they have continued the "porch lights on for Caylee" movement going & going. It started to be just one night, then they extended it for 3 nights & now it goes all the way thru august 5th. Right now there are over 2 million ppl that either have candles burning or their porch lights on in memory of our precious baby girl. I don't really have a porch light, so I bought pillar candles & bouquets of light pink flowers & made little wreathes that wrap around the bottom of vase that I have the candles in. It still just doesn't feel like I have done enough. Today, I found something that I felt I could really help make a difference on the event page for "porch lights on for Caylee"

    It's a petition to start a new that I believe should have been in effect a long time ago. When I signed it, we still needed like another 150,000 signatures. I know if we all do our part, we can easily reach this & I know how amazing this family is & I know we can make a dent.
    It only takes a minute to sign, after you sign it's gonna ask you if you want to sign up for something, all you have to do is hit the "skip" button & your signature still goes thru ok.


    }i{ ~*In Memory of Caylee Marie Anthony*~ }i{
    August 9th 2005 - June 16th 2008
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    Please help me stand up an do something for her, Lets help justice somehow be brought to her name!!
    Thank You & God Bless!
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  2. WartHog Staff Alumni

    I'm with ya Sister. I signed it.
  3. masonb51

    Signed and re posted to my FB home and on z28.coms FB page
  4. Z28Chic

    We are almost there! It's unreal, I'm refreshing the page every 2-3 seconds & just in those few seconds its going from 913,227 to 913,331 to 913,337. I'm floored by the response!!
  5. Z28Chic

    I just started a new petition that would try to overrule the 5th amendment, "Double Jeopardy" if new evidence is presented in the casey anthony case that does indeed point to casey anthony as the murderer, she can be retried. The 5th amendment states that no person can be tried for the same crime twice. So basically casey anthony can go sell her story to a magazine & the title could read "I killed my daughter" & the story could be a whole 2 page confession & nothing can be done since she has already been tried & found not guilty. I think if new evidence comes to the surface, that a killer shouldn't be let go to live free in our beloved country that men & women sacrifice their lives or families for!
    Please sign it & pass it on!

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