Car of the Month info/rules

Discussion in 'Car of the Month' started by FANTA-Z, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    If you would like to submit your personal car into the pool for car of the month please send 1 photo of your car (Preferably no smaller than 640x480), your screen name, plus a small description about the car to [email][email protected][/email] Please put "COTM" as the subject for your emails!Once you submit your photo it will be in the running for all 12 months of the calendar year. In order to be included in the coming up month your submission has to be in by the 20th of the previous month (ex. for February your submission must be in by the 20th of January). As long as your a member of this site you can submit your car whether its an F-Body or not.

    We encourage all our members to submit their rides!!!! You cant win if you dont submit so please join in the fun :biglaugh:
  2. Rebel45

    this is the Red Queen that I built out of 1991

    thumbnail_IMG_8834.jpg #ad
    Z28/Ken likes this.
  3. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Very nice!
    Rebel45 likes this.
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