Bacterial Infection

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by richard96, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. richard96

    I have experienced 4 really bad infections in the last 2 years or so. Anybody experience something similar. I tested negative for everything on the last infection. I am extremely heathly but I believe I may have some sort of skin bacteria. I went to the ER last night and they sent in a culture sample. We will see what happens next.

    The doctor told me something as simple as an ingrown hair (which was my case) can start these big infections. The first 2 came to a head and I took care of those myself. The second 2 I had to have lanced,drained and packed.

    Im laying in bed trying to heal up. I am trying to educate myself about this. All replies appreciated.
  2. Forgiven

    Well have been away for a while. So no one has anything to say? I have not had this happen to me but as I get older realize there are lots of things out there that can mess with us. I wish you a speedy recovery. (May have already happened as this post is getting dated....) My advice to ready to meet your maker....
  3. Zane

    I don't know what may be the cause of your infections but I think when it comes to such important health issues, you should only trust the advice of a trained professional. Better safe than sorry...

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