Got a ticket! Radar detector recommendations?

Discussion in 'Mobile Electronics' started by Past from the Blast, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Past from the Blast

    I hate admitting it but I got a speeding ticket 75 in a 55. The road changed from 65 to 55 and I didnt notice and got busted. So my questions are does anyone have experience with radar detectors and can you make a good recommendation? How much should I spend and where should I buy it?
  2. RussellTM

    I used to have a Valentine. Nothing could beat it. Tried Escort and it wasn't even close.
  3. Forgiven

    Most new GPS devices show road speed and the numbers go red when you are exceeding the limit. That may be helpful as well. Only as good as the information input however, sometimes they are not up to date.
  4. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    I'll added that are two apps, Waze and Trapster, which uses import live police speed trap information but again that is only as good as the input. I'd imagine it's pretty good in heavily populated areas but not terribly up to date in rural areas.

    As to detectors, I have one, a Beltronics GX65 and it's good, but it's also about 5 years old. I don't use it much, I really don't speed all that much these days. Heck, I don't even drive much.
  5. 1998 F Body

    An egg under the gas pedal? :p
  6. LSWrench

    I run with a Valentine One. With the lifetime upgrade program it can't be beat. Costs more than some and doesn't have all the fancy features but nothing can detect better than it. Best thing is the arrows so you know if the cop is behind you or not.
  7. 6thGenHopeful

    What about laser though? All a detector is going to do when there is laser is tell you that you were caught!
  8. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    6th Gen, you're right. On extremely rare occasions you might get very lucky and have it catch some scatter from a car the cop is aiming at in front of you, but I would never count on that. For laser you have to have jammers if there's any hope of winning. I've tested several jammer brands against 7 different types of police laser (actually called LIDAR), and they do work. Reason I've tested them is it's part of a project I'm working on.
  9. Not Dave

    Valentine One was the best, I had one and loved it. Now I speed once in a while on the motorcycle, it can get me in trouble. I'm pretty cautious nowadays because I'm no longer invincible. I've seen what wrecks do to people. I've seen a car roll over when it was going the speed limit on the highway, just had a blowout was all. Thankfully they were belted in. As for laser, you're pretty much toast instantly.
  10. rattlecanz28

    For laser... The only thing you're going to able to do is get a jammer.... its illegal in some states... but the high powered quad does an amazing job at jamming laser... you can also get a film that you put on the headlights that absorbs the laser from a gun... just don't go hauling ass around my neighborhood... you'd end up with slashed tires... we have a lot of kids that play in the streets and I plan on keeping it that way >.<
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