Any Ladies or Gents know how to Crochet?

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by Camaro Queen, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Camaro Queen

    If anyone out there has any tips on crocheting let me know. I am trying to learn on my own. Not doing to bad but so far all I have made are blocks. I have to sew them together to make the final item.

    I would like to get good enough to make a sweater, booties and hat for the grandbaby.

  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Laura knows how to do it :D
  3. Camaro Queen

    Oh good I may need her help when it comes to finishing this project.
  4. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    Julia knows as well...don't know if she knows enough to teach though.
  5. Camaro Queen

    Well guys ask the ladies if they know how to sew blocks together. Have them call me. I am going to need help. SOON

  6. Z/YA

    My grandma can, she made me a really nice throw blanket for the foot of my bed a few years ago for christmas a few years ago.
    Now that she is retired she makes quite a bit of crocheted stuff
  7. Camaro Queen

    Awesome.. could you see if she would be willing to help me sew some crocheted panels together. I am new at this and am a little confused on how to sew it.

    I can come to her anytime. Call me if you can
  8. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    My Grandma is good....
  9. SexyHawk

    I've never sewn blocks together either. I was going to have to with a blanket I was making for Brandi and Justin as a wedding gift and lone half a square is still sitting in my crochet basket. It's hard to learn from a book and even harder to have someone explain over the phone. I would suggest taking an afternoon or two and heading up to Hobby Lobby or Michael's for a class or finding someone locally who can sit and teach you. That's how I learned the basics :) And that's as far as I got b/c crocheting for 13 straight hours in the truck to finish the scarves I made a couple Christmases ago burned me out, lol. Good luck!
  10. Camaro Queen

    Thanks Julia. I didnt think you had done one yet. This is my first attempt and it is multicolored with a double yard crochet. So far I am going ok. I am jsut worried about the sewing part. I am going to try it on my own unless Matt gets ahold of me and says his grandma can help me out.

    With the left over yarn I am going to try to make baby booties. HOPE they turn out. LOL
  11. fxgs

    Knit one, pearl two............
  12. Camaro Queen

    I think I have this figured out. I am working on it now. I will post up a pick when I am all done for anyone who wants to see.

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