Announcing Camaro/Video Contest winners.......

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Fbodfather, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Fbodfather

    You may recall that I offered a challenge a few weeks back -- to see who could put together the 'best' Camaro or Camaro/Firebird video.

    -- there are many great videos out there on the 'net -- but I only got about a half dozen entries.

    Select attendees at the Fbody Reunion at the National Corvette Museum watched the videos and then voted........and the results are:

    .....In Third Place -- Jason Debler -- for his idea of a perfect Camaro Launch Commercial entitled "Bring on the Storm" Jason has been working on this idea for quite some time and this would be the perfect "teaser" commercial just prior to the Camaro going on sale. Great job, Jason!

    .....In Second Place -- Matthew Adams -- for a very powerful tribute to the Camaro and Firebird entitled "Fbody Movie" -- very moving soundtrack and great shots of Camaros and Firebirds from past and present -- plus the Camaro concept car. I was very much moved by this work....... First Place -- Tim DeYoung -- for a retrospect (in some ways) and current look at the Camaro entitled "What's In The Box?" -- Tim has a story to tell about the "Gray Box" and a "Dreaded Black Suburban." Great job, Tim -- a little of the past -- a little of the present -- and a whole bunch of future!!

    GREAT JOB, Guys -- TREMENDOUS!! -- the crowd loved it! I thank you for all your hard work to put these tributes together --

    Both Jason and Tim's videos can be viewed More details to follow on Matthew's video.

    There will be packages in the mail to each of our winners.
  2. shadowz28

    hurray for everyone!!! congrats!!! what did they win??
  3. Spyderking69

    they were all good, i saw them inperson lol
  4. darksmiley

    Is there anyway to view the videos
  5. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    all of them but Matt's are currently hosted on and I will make sure to talk with Matt about getting his hosted up either here or I will host it on my webspace to help cutdown on bandwidth load for the forum server.
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