Accessory plug Question

Discussion in 'Mobile Electronics' started by masonb51, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. masonb51

    WOW what a dead branch of this forum. Looks like nobady really does electronics anymore, just kidn guys.

    Well, I have decided I need another accessory plug AKA cigarette lighter in the Z, so I was wondering if my google search was correct when I found a write up saying to do the following to acheive this "mod".

    1 Find location to put plug.
    2 Make the hole.
    3 Pull the wire to a constant hot.
    4 Find reliable ground location.
    5 Use inline fuse for the power.
    6 connect wires and mount plug.
    7 This is the process.

    My question is this... It seems extremely simple and easy, is this all there really is to it? I just dont want to do this and have a fire or burn up my daughters dvd player.:thinking:

    Also, can I use the RAP Orange wire to do this? I want the plug to be hot all the time in off and run and accessory mode. I know if I have to stop for gas and the dvd player gets shut off my daughter will not be impressed.

    If this Orange wire is what I need to do the mod, could I also splice my sirius radio into the same connection or will that blow the fuse?? That is assuming I have both on at the same time. Thanks guys!!!

    If you cant tell I am trying to hide wires and make the car look/function better inside.
  2. masonb51

    Well, just tried to directly hook the power wire of the sirius radio to the orange RAP wire and grounded the radio as well and not a thing happened??? I tried to turn the switch on and...NOTHING! WTH is the deal, that wire should be good to power anything in off/on/accy mode I thought?

    Could the sirius accessory plug that sticks to the accessory outlet of the car have a reducer or invertor in it or what? I did cut it off and use the bare copper wires to do the probing.

    EDIT::####Okay kinda finding out more and more as I search on google. It appears I need a 12v to 5v convertor (25 bux) and a 3 buck fuse piggy back. So 30 bux just to hide 1 wire = no more wanting to hardwire the Sirius.

    But I still need to know if I am on the right track to wiring the accessory plug! Any input is appreciated.
  3. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I would think you could piggy back off of your existing cig lighter and just run your wires to where you need them.
  4. masonb51

    Glenn, do you think that may cause me to blow a fuse if I run the DVD and the Sirius on the same circuit? I guess it wouldnt tho since the Sirius is a 5v system and the dvd runs 9.5 so that number totalled = 14.5v, is this correct thinking? The fuse for the cig lighter is a 20v I believe. So I should be good.
  5. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I wouldnt think you would have an issue. It really is no different than those dual acc plugs you buy that goes into your single cig lighter. I drove down here to LA with both my GPS and my phone plugged in at the same time into one acc port.
  6. Forgiven

    As Glenn said you should be good. The lighter will have no more voltage than the charging system will deliver, 13V or so at the most. If you have a 20A fuse going to the cig lighter that is a lot of current capacity. I am not sure about the numbers you are using, even if you are correct you don't add voltages, what you would add is the amps they need to function. For instance if you had 2 12V items at 4 amps each they would need 12V to run them and use 8 amps.
  7. richard96

    98 up camaros have 2 outlets and they are piggy-backed. Should be fine and they only thing could happen is that you blow a fuse. If you do blow a fuse, you can upgrade to the next higher fuse. If you do that, just check to see how hot the wire gets. Thats what causes the issues is when you overfuse a circuit with smaller wiring.
  8. masonb51

    Glenn, Forgiven, Rich.. Thanks guys! I appreciate all that info, I really do. Forgiven, I bet I was 100% wrong when it came to the addition of the #s lol. Rich, I will look into that and make sure I dont cause any heat buildup at all. I had no idea the 98-02s were piggy backed themselves. Learning is fun ;)

    As always you guys rock and I do appreciate the info/help. Have a good Sunday guys!

    I'm off to wire in the ports and I will take pics, post em on good ol 'bucket' and post back when done.
  9. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Anytime brother. Hope it all goes well for you. ROCKS
  10. LT1 Weezy

    5 volt Sirius sat plugs need to be hard wired to from the board ( where you would plug into a cig lighter) The reason they need this is because of the 5 volts. I would also recommend going with a 3.5 amp fuse ( in a fuse holder ) going to either you ACC wire or 12volt wire. It is very easy to fry these units if not hard wired correctly I know this because I have done it during my years of car install
  11. masonb51

    Weezy, I actually stumbled upon a site where guys were doing what I am, and they said it just needs the 12v to 5v convertor and then hardwired in. BUT, I just hide a acc. port in my glove box and hide the Sirius power wire, so I am skipping the whole Sirius deal for now. Thank you tho!!
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