
A4 or M6?

  1. A4

  2. M6

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    The question is simple, do you prefer an automatic (any automatic, A4 means Automatic 4 speed, but this could also be a 3 speed, 4 speed, 8 speed, what ever they have now) or do you prefer an M6 (Manual 6 speed, or any other manual transmission)?

    Please vote in the poll and post your reasons below.
  2. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    M6, but I have an automatic (it's what was available at a good price). For a car like this I want the fine control of a manual, and it brings me back to my younger days.
  3. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    You could always do an M6 swap. that is what I did on my car, but I'm thinking about putting the auto back in. Which means my setup will be available when I do.
  4. 4thand26

    I have one of each, have to go M6, though my first baby was A4, though I have the luxury of rarely dealing with traffic.
  5. Freebird

    I guess I'm conditioned to like automatic since it's all I've ever known. Matter of personal preference I suppose.

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