Some wonky loading of the page?

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions. Questions and Official Surveys' started by NastyZ, May 31, 2020.

  1. NastyZ

    Noticing some wierd loading of the page.... icons and page format are wierd

    ....just reporting incase some work was being done
  2. NastyZ

    Also , links to pictures are not working on my tablet. I have to hold my finger and pic the option "open in a new page" so I can see the pictures

    Just a heads up
  3. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    It does appear that the SQL database was reset which could have caused some errors for just a moment while it was restarting. As for the images, I have not seen this one. I will keep my eye open for the issue and report if need be. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. NastyZ

    The picture explaination makes perfect sense ... avitars for certain members arent loading either.... like yours ...or your sig pic..... same as mullits either.

    Thanx for the reply
  5. NastyZ

    Okay more stuff i am noticing wrong with page.....

    When I click like.... it says "you and deleted member like this post". The deleted highlighted a hyperlink but doent go anywhere. Also the message body to post in isnt loading up and say above the post icon.... draft saved...draft deleted

    Unfortunately I cant give a screen shot to show this.....just feal i should give ya heads up on the site
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Hm, I'm not seeing any of this... What web browser/device are you viewing the site on?
  7. NastyZ

    Google chrome.... on a samsung glaxey 2 tablet. It wierd...its not all the time now . Tried to update chrome...have latest available. ....for now i guess
  8. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    It is almost sounding like it was trying to load an old cached page that no no longer exists. I know chrome likes to save pages for faster loading times, especially on mobile, and can cause some issues. I deal with this every day at work. Maybe try clearing your cache and see if that helps if it persists.
    NastyZ likes this.
  9. NastyZ

    Will do and i appreciate the reply.... just to add.... as I clicked now says "you liked this" and directly under says 1 person liked this....just different than what I am used to seeing....

    Will let ya know what happens
    Tony likes this.
  10. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    This is what I see when I see a post of mine that is liked, and when I like another post.

    d.png #ad
  11. NastyZ this time loaded correctly.... still gojng to dump cache
  12. NastyZ

  13. NastyZ

    K excuse the above i just went through a panic

    Cleared cache.... then the website wouldnt load right AT ALL , no template, was a white page with text.... no colors. ...couldnt reply. ...i was freaked out.... but for now all seems what an experience....all other sites i frequent were fine
  14. NastyZ

  15. NastyZ

    K for th3 past 3 days I can't get on this site. It would load correctly all of a sudden. So I had to borrow a tablet to do this.

    If I can show you what the page looks like I will ....but it will be picture of the screen......I reply look forward to drinking my morning coffee and reading here.

    15930150098191264349178.jpg #ad
  16. NastyZ

    Also tried using opera ..... and same thing. Tried my generic browser and it says I can't establish a secure connection with this site......only on that tablet..... I deleted all the cashe.... and cookies associated with the change
  17. NastyZ

    These are the pics from top to bottom of the page when I come here..... very wierd

    15930172132732082356325.jpg #ad

    15930172612711505447.jpg #ad

    1593017290350442760112.jpg #ad

    15930173190831563475527.jpg #ad
  18. NastyZ

    Well....after 3 i have it working again....not sure why.... but dam frustrating

    Any thoughts on why this is doing this ?
  19. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    For some reason it is spitting out only HTML and no other language such as php. I have no idea why it would do that only on your system unless you have something running on your router that is blocking some but not all of the code.
  20. NastyZ

    Ya it onpy happens on this tablet..... not other ones. .. my imac is fine too.....but i lile sitting on the couch with my coffee when i do this so.....

    Frigging wierd to say the least.... i will just keep mentioning it , in case so,eone figures it out lol. Thamx for the reply. ...i didnt know hpw to refer to what was happening its only html

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