That one heck of a Mom.....

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by JuanMaroZ28, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. JuanMaroZ28

  2. TSAEB

    Poor people. I read the other storys and videos about that tornado . Very frightening what that thing can do.
  3. msclman99

    that's bad ass. i don't even know what to say.
  4. JuanMaroZ28

    Yeah. These people got hit hard.

    Send your mom flowers. I took my mom out to dinner when I read this. Seriously LOL....
  5. Camaro Queen

    wow, I am just now seeing this. I am in tears. As a mom, I cannot imagine the fear of losing your children to such a storm. When we had bad weather and the kids were little... every blanket was in collected and taken to the safest part of the home, in preparation of severe weather. So frightening when you have something so young and that means the world to you. You will do whatever it takes to protect them from harm, even sacrafice yourself, life or limb.
  6. tmurph01

    If you were closer, I would take you out to dinner for being a mom.

    But seriously.. this is a very strong and emotional story...

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