How is everyone??

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Ryatt-Motion, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Hey all, I hope everyone is good. I am sorry I have not been on the site lately, I was promoted at work and my job is very intense and leaves me with little time to get get on the computer let alone get regular stuff done LOL! I just wanted to check in and see how things were going for everyone. I no longer work in mental health and have finally made my transition out after 18 LOOOONNNGGG years. I still work at the hospital, but work in the support service department, and have been promoted to Disaster Coordinator/Project Manager. I have a lot more creative license and get to work on some awesome projects. Well, I'm off, time to go change the oil in my silver SS. Take care all.
  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Been doing well and a big CONGRATS on the promotion :)
  3. WartHog Staff Alumni

    WooHoo!!! Congrats my Brother. We miss ya, but we DEFINITELY understand. :)
  4. CamaroChica

    Hey big bro!!! Congrats on the promotion! That is awesome! How is school going for you? How is Kris? Guess what, BOTH Matt and I are comming out to Cali August 2nd to August 8th for my friends wedding! We have to get together! It has been WAY too long! :)
  5. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    Congrats on the promo Rick.... Glad to hear things are doing good for ya...
  6. greg_74

    Good to hear your job is going well even if it's keeping you real busy. If you didn't see, I sold my SS and am looking to get a 04-07 CTS-V.
  7. GhostZ

    congrats! i'm doing good just been real busy lately
  8. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    I am done with school for now, I had every intention on starting my Masters degree this year, but with the new job, there is just no time. However, my employer is willing to pay for my master's, which was the only reason I did not go back right away, as I am already in debt up to my eyeballs for my AA and BS. If the parent employer will pay for my master's degree, I will more than like get my master's in Disaster Management.
  9. thelastz28

    Congrats Rick.
  10. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Hey Gerardo is your phone number still the same?
  11. Timmz28

    hey bro delete that post you dont want someone other than the normal peeps on here getting that, om him
  12. thelastz28

  13. ur jlus

    I know you are busy, but do not forget us little people! Congratulations once again!
  14. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Claudio, you are my favorite person man, how could I or would I ever forget you of all people LOL!!!
  15. Jpack

    Congrats on the promo and possibility of getting schooling paid for. That will be huge! Miss seeing you around on here but know how life goes. Keep us updated, its good to hear from ya.
  16. richard96

    Hey Rick, good to hear from you. Glad to see you're diggin your job and the opportunities it presents. Take car man.

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