A little upset once again.

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by FANTA-Z, Jun 16, 2011.

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  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Well I know which choice I would want :)
  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    A little update :) I dropped by the dealer after work and the oil pump is definitely a gonner :( The pan has oil but the filter does not so their next step is to take the pan off and inspect the oil pump and remove a main cap and look at the bearings. After the service man told me that I stated to him that I would be fighting for a new motor and asked him if there was anything I needed to do, either get a phone number for GM or what to get that ball rolling and he told me that I already have a claim going and thats all I need. So I joked around with the service guy a little bit more and told him thanks and he said he would let me know more once they tear into the bottom end. As I am leaving I get a phone call from a GM rep, and the first thing he does is apologize to me for my issues and wants to make sure he has all the correct information about the car and what the dealer is doing with it. I discuss with him the same thing about I feel that I am justified in getting a new motor with having two issues and only having 18,000 miles on the car and he said he would do everything he can to make sure I am a satisfied customer. He is suppose to call me back Monday with a little more information on where we stand, so I will update this thread as I get info :) I have faith in GM to do the right thing here and like I said above even though it is disappointing having a new car and having some issues I am very satisfied with the car and still love it :) We all know that even though we try our best nobody has 100% quality and I just so happened to get the one that has a few issues. Now it just stinks being without the car during show season and especially since I had plans to show the car at Carri's event this weekend :( With the new wheels and new stance I think I might have had a chance to actually win something haha. Anywho enough about the car. I hope everyone has a great weekend and stay safe in whatever you do.
  3. CamaroChica

    Thanks for the update big bro. Glad the ball is rolling, and as you said hopefully GM will do the right thing! :)
  4. Gatorhead

    I will pray all goes in your favor!
  5. richard96

    Sorry about the car Glenn. One lemon cant hurt to bad. You are dealing with this very well and I commend you for that. If you did drive to Canada, you could have put your claim right there at the plant and drove away with a new one. Hehe, keep your head up bro and it will work out eventually.
  6. Gatorhead

    Blame Canada!!!!! LOL
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator


    Glenn, great spirits you are in with the sitsuation. I hope they do the right thing, cause you know that running without oil that long had to do some damage.
  8. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Thanks everyone and the way I look at it is me getting upset about the whole thing isnt going to change the situation one bit. I had faith that GM would bring back the car and they did so I have faith that they will do the right thing here as well because as we all know being car people the motor is eventually going to go anyway cause as Tony stated even if an engine just runs minutes after oil pressure drops your bearing are going to take a beating :( The guy I talked to today from GM seemed like a guy that will fight for the right thing so all we can do is wait and see what is said Monday. Once again thanks for all the support, its what makes this site totally different than any other :clap::clap:
  9. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    I have been keeping up with ya in person so you know all my thoughts on this....

    As I have told ya, the right people are on the situation and as you said I too have faith that GM will make it right for you. It is just going to take a bit of time to go thru the process of getting it all approved and done. I know it would be a pain but you are more than welcome to borrow my car while yours is in surgery. If ya need anything bro ya know where to find me.
  10. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Thanks brother and as much as I would LOVE to have your car here with me she belongs there with you :) I am just glad we decided against the swap :) Everything will work out, it just stinks being without the car this long when I just now got it where I want it and cant even enjoy it :(
  11. Z/YA

    Just tell them to give you the cash value of the LS3 and go put your order in for the new LSX-R that will be arriving soon :).

    I'll send ya some pictures of some of the goodies we got for one thats being built and some of the info that has been leaked lol. We got the intake for the new LSX-R and sat it on a V with a 440 LSX and without the big nasty demon carb the hood won't close LOL. I can actually put my whole hand with fingers spread out in the intake and stick my fingers out the intake runners!!! BBC intakes are not even as big as this thing!
  12. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Bro, that just sucks, and let me tell you from experience, you better be prepared for combat on this one, becuase GM is going to give you every excuse why they are not going to replace the engine. You already know what I am talking about, and that is the fact you have done "modifications" to your car, which perhaps do not pertain to the engine, they are; however, part of the drive trian, and that is where they are going to hang their hat. Be logical, and do not loose your cool. Worst comes to worse, tell them you are sending a fleet of black Suburban's after them ;) Good luck Glenn.
  13. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Rick I havent changed a thing on the drivetrain so they cant get me on that one :) I am not worried and if for some reason I cant convince them of getting the new engine they will eventually because the bearings are not going to last long without having the oil to them so it will let go, and I will just have to keep my AAA handy because I will be stranded with a new car and blown motor :( But as I stated I do believe this is going to come out being positive and I have no reason to think different until it presents itself.
  14. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    That sucks! I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to get the proper coverage here. Please keep us updated as I am sure you will.
  15. Forgiven

    In the mean time, maybe take it to the dragstrip a few times....that could move things along....Sorry to hear the pain this car is becoming....or is it mostly the dealership....
  16. LS1Tuner_06

    hope you get it figured out Glenn! I still love your car too! I won't ever forget when you handed me the keys and said get out of here! I have faith they will do the right thing!
  17. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Thanks Cody :) If I dont hear from them tomorrow I am going to drive by the dealership and see what up. I would like to have the car back by the event at Jim and Nora's so I can drive it up there.
  18. Gatorhead

  19. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Dealership is moving a little slow :( They wont have the motor tore down until around lunch tomorrow so we wont know exactly what all is bad until then. I talked to my GM rep and really didn't get the feeling that this is going to go in my favor so I am trying to get all my ducks in a row in case I have to try to argue my way into what I want. Guess we just have to wait and see what the signs are when the mechanic gets to where he can see something. I have been doing some explaining to the GM guy and he even asked how many GM vehicles I have owned and when I told him, and said I have 3 now he got kind of quiet and said Oh lol. So not sure if that will help in my favor or not but I hope it does. Guess I will have more info tomorrow, or hopefully I will. It just sucks having a car that is close to 40K dollars and you cant even drive it :( Not to mention it doesnt seem like anyone is in a hurry to get it back going so I can enjoy it.
  20. Firehawk409

    It should not take long to open a motor up and see if anything is ruined. Unfortunately with this 100k drivetrain it's probably in their favor to just patch it up and get it rolling...i dont see how, but i think thats how they see it. I think you are being to calm about this man. You need to go that dealership and tell them what you want. When my honda engine leaked coolant i was civil but i told them from the get go I AM NOT PAYING FOR AN ENGINE. I kept repeating that and I showed them the TSB for the problem.
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