Ohhh NORA......

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by JuanMaroZ28, May 3, 2011.

  1. Camaro Queen

    From a heart problem or from drinking?
  2. the_husk

    "heart problem" I guess.

    I was doing pushups, back when I used to do hundreds upon hundreds a day. I had this horrible pain shoot into my head, and I blacked out. I thought I had an anyerism( i know, spelling fail). :lol:

    Turned out, my heart slowed down when it needed to speed up.
  3. Camaro Queen

    Wow, I bet that scared you pretty good.

    Mine sped up. Was pumping blood into the heart faster than it was pumping out. They said it was flooding and if it was not brought under control soon it would lead into a heart attack.

    I blacked out because of lack of oxygen to the brain. (No not the blonde reason either) lol.

    ARe you on any meds for it?

    LOL then you could see the National Guard running away acreaming.....LMAO
  5. Camaro Queen

    I think the US Marines need to handle this situation. I know they would not run away and scream. At least I would hope not. I know many that would not such as my son and a few others on the site.

    Hmmm not really sure the guard would either but since I do not know any, I cannot say for sure.
  6. the_husk

    Nope, no meds since.
  7. Camaro Queen

    They had me on a blood thinner. Made me so tired that I could not function. I stopped taking them and feel so much better.
  8. Greg Norris

    we all feel better when you stop talking Nora... :nana:
  9. Camaro Queen

    Now here is a man/boy who would run and hide. :)
  10. JuanMaroZ28

  11. Greg Norris

    man boy....? lol
  12. Camaro Queen

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