Sun Burnt

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Krazzycowgirl, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Krazzycowgirl

    Went to a car show today & was wearing a black tank top & got sun burnt like you guys wouldnt believe. lol My shoulders are still burning like mad

    Not a good thing lol
  2. 95 Camaro Z28

    i hear ya, i was outside for about 6 hours today at my dads moving around 4 cubic yards of pulverized dirty. but you know how those places go, you order for and end up getting 6. so it took a while
  3. loserdude86

    im burnt too. went out fishing with some buddies on my pops boat and didnt wear a shirt. maybe this will cure the farmer's tan?
  4. Krazzycowgirl

    I am planning on going out fishing tomorrow morning but we dont have a boat we fish off the docks.
  5. analog

    i was outside for just 20 minutes, and i already felt my face and shoulders starting to burn! the sun is getting even more wicked hot every summer!

    my legs are still peeling from getting burned 3 weeks ago :dizzy:
    when my legs got burned, i couldnt have them exposed to sunlight else they instaly felt like someone was holding a magnifying glass on them!

    makes it worse having slightly UV sensitive skin
  6. Greg Norris

    when I was younger, I went whitewater rafting with some friends in our "High Adventure Crew". We all used inflatable kiyaks called "duckies" that you sit in and strap your knees in to keep in. well needless to say, your legs are exposed all day. we all put on sunscreen except for one... our local farmboy who wears pants all year round. he ended up getting 2nd deg. sunburns. but it didnt really affect him till we got in the hot tub back at the cabins, he ended up having to go to the hospital for 2 days. (read: wear sunscreen!)
  7. Camaro Queen

    Try laying vinegar drenched towels over your shoulders. that will draw out the burn and heat. You may smell like a pickle but it is better than feeling like a hot potato.

    Also they say you can rub your skin with milk. The vitamin D will help.
  8. 2001somws6

    MY girl uses johnson's creamy baby oil. She love it when she gets burnt.

    Im italian i tan instantly.:chuckles:
  9. Gatorhead

    If I have never helped with anything on this site I apologize until now but the ultimate remedy for sunburn is NOXZEMA! It will cool and soothe immediately as well as moisturize. The downside is smell, but when you are burnt crisp who craes. I grew up on the beach surfing, and I fish regularly. Thats what we have always used and I turn people on to it every chance I get!
  10. Krazzycowgirl

    cpr & first aid classes tell you DONT Put OIL on sunburns because it locks the heat in to the skin & causes more Damage.

    I took a warm shower last night & then had my husband rub aloe cream on my shoulders
  11. BrodiemanAXT

    i always used plain aloe vera.... never heard of the noxzema...might have to give that one a try though....i dont get too severely burned that much so....i dont really worry about it...but sunburn SUCKS
  12. nighthawk15

    I'm hella hard to sun burn for some reason. It takes like all day and even then a lot of times ill still be fine:dizzy:
  13. Krazzycowgirl

    normally I only majorly burn one time during the year then I am fine for the rest of the year. Yesterday was the first time I have spent any time out in the sun with out being covered.

    I need to were a swim suite or something to allow my back& upper arms to burn slightly
  14. 2001somws6

    Its more a lotion than an oil base. It has mineral oil thats really it.
  15. z28camarocarri

    Im burnt too. But this year im taking extreme care not to get fried like last 2 years and end up in the hospital for skin posioning and severe burns.
  16. Krazzycowgirl

    last night I could bearly move my arms because every time I did it felt like my skin was ripping a part.

    at lease today its not as bad but the temps are still high here so I am staying in side.
  17. The93Z

    Ya lol try living in vegas or az!
  18. Krazzycowgirl

    lol I live for a week in reno lol
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