Satruday Thread

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Krazzycowgirl, May 5, 2007.

  1. Krazzycowgirl

    Hey I am getting ready to go to bed before my kids wake me up in a couple hours wanting to go fishing.

    Thats my plan for today is to go fishing with the kids for a couple hours come home & if its not raining mowing the lawn. lol
  2. BigBadWhitey

    I just got back from spiderman 3
  3. z28camarocarri

    its 3am....up at 6 for a show....intoxciation is bad befoew car shows
  4. Greg Norris

    at usual till 630. got a car show @ noon. me and a buddy are gonna head up to Bowtie_Z28's place to touch up the cars b4 the show. No sleep for me today!!! :twitch: :twitch: :twitch:
  5. Louvit Staff Alumni

    6am or so.. just woke with a bit of a headache...I have to work tonight or well tomorrow morning from 1am to 6am for sysyem testing, I can do it from home, just that I have be be up from now till 6am Sunday morning ..Going to try to pick up the SUV today.....
  6. Camaro Queen

    Have fun in your new toy Lou.

    I have to work today. My whole week is messed up. I thought I worked a long shift thurs. but it was actually yesterday. Sooo I planned my week for a thurs no do anything day and yep it messed me up. Oh well. /we are going to get the car out and clean up any dust and such for a small car show tomorrow.
  7. Randy L Staff Alumni

    Yea, they're already selling the DVD here In Iraq (and China I'm sure)! Yep..pirated stuff. Pretty funny too the way you see people's heads on the bottom of the screen. LOL
  8. 98CamaroZzZ

    Gotta head to work in about 10 minutes then work till noon =\. I get my 86 Z28 back(first highschool car) today Woohoo!
  9. SexyHawk

    fighting off a migraine, but I'm not gonna let it stop me from going to this car show!!! :cussing:
  10. Shortee

    Work first, then off to look at a car, then hanging out with someone.... :)
  11. Chris

    I just wook up,

    Took a shower now I have to drive to chicago, go over to ulis store,

    maybe go cruise tonight or sumtin
  12. Firehawk409

    Got to work for 9am. Cust who bought a car LAST week finally came to pick it up today. Got another customer coming in to hopefully buy this Jeep Liberty. If so, it will be a good day.
    The weather is cleared up here. Lookin like a good day to pull the hawk out of hibernation.
  13. Spyderking69

    im up awake, not working, and no headache im lovin life right now
  14. Since.67

    Cinco de Mayo. :)
  15. Camaroblood

    Supposed to be working today and tomorrow, but no... I took em off! Yahoo! Going to my old schools version of prom with a friend who is a senior there, then tomorrow off to my buddies birthday get together.
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